![]() What to give a friend or relative an unusual gift? - one that will have long lasting benefits to their wellbeing - Why not consider a Bowen Gift Card - redeemable any time over the next 12 months. I offer these for £40 for an hours treatment session. It could be used to address a specific condition, their overall general wellness, or simply as a pamper session, inducing a deep sense of relaxation. E-mail or ring me to arrange delivery /collection.
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![]() This month’s Speedwell Trust Lecture at the Templeton College Oxford was given by Dr Paul Clayton and entitled “How to Grow Old and Stay Young" He is previous Chair of the Forum on Food and Health at the Royal Society of Medicine and a former Senior Scientific Advisor to the UK government's Committee on the Safety of Medicines. He has worked with leading doctors and clinical scientists at centres of clinical expertise in the UK and abroad, and trained the pharmacists in Britain's largest chemist chain in preventative nutrition. He is now a consultant to several well-known international companies. Dr Clayton designs clinical trials for nutritional therapies at leading teaching hospitals and lectures widely on nutrition and health. He has directed TV and radio programmes on health issues, and written extensively on these topics. He has recently been appointed as Research Director of Medical Nutrition Matters, a post-graduate course in Oxford registered with, and approved by the BMA. Its function is to teach nutrition to GPs and other health care providers. Dr Clayton belief is possible to stay healthy into ripe old age and to prevent, stabilise and even perhaps to reverse, many of the chronic degenerative diseases. Underpinning all his research and advice is this simple fact. Given the right nutrition and lifestyle, our bodies have amazing powers of self-healing and regeneration. Every cell and tissue in your body breaks down and is replaced on a regular basis. Bone is re-absorbed into the body and then renewed, cartilage in joints experiences wear and tear but is renewed, membranes of nerve and other cells are broken down and replaced. (Stephen Ludbrook’s comment _The bodies ability to heal is the basic concept that allows Bowen Therapy to be so effective) Chronic inflammation is now acknowledged in the scientific and medical press as a key underlying cause, not just of ageing, but of almost all the so-called age-related diseases – heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, dementia, arthritis, sexual dysfunction, hypertension and some cancers. No wonder that a paper published by the US National Institutes of Health in 2010 called chronic inflammation “a unified theory of diseases”. Yet you may never have heard of this type of internal inflammation. It builds up gradually and is difficult to detect. Chronic inflammation is therefore largely unrecognised as such a serious threat by the general public. Until — too late — it manifests itself as a potentially fatal and always debilitating degenerative disease. Yet many experts now believe it’s a bigger risk marker than cholesterol, and that reducing inflammation can deliver more health benefits than statins. Further salient points he raised were :
American Adults:-
Diet, hydration, exercise are all key issues if you want to live long and prosper. Avoid table salt, I would suggest that Dr Claytons Free newsletter is a worthy technical view of a wide range of medical issues. – and can be found via his website –“Newsletter” tab . He is also to be found on youtube. ![]() I will be offering Bowen Sessions at a Holistic Fayre being held at Sulgrave Manor, Oxfordshire (Near Banbury) on Saturday 15 Nov between 10-4pm. Sulgrave Manor was Built by Lawrence Washington, the 5 times grand father of George Washington and is generally open to the public throughout the summer. For location and other details of the fayre and the Manor see the link below. http://www.sulgravemanor.org.uk/pages/30/the_house_through_the_centuries.asp ![]() On Wednesday 23 Oct I attended a Speedwell Trust talk at the Templeton College. Oxford, where Dr Neil Ward, Professor of Analytical Chemistry at Surrey University gave an interesting talk entitled "Food Preparation – Impact on nutritional quality and health.” He commenced by saying food preservastion techniques commenced thousands of years ago when meat was preserved by salt – but over the last 60 years the preservation process has changed out of all recognition – mainly originating from the need to feed soldiers on the battlefields and NASA's quest for providing food for Astronaughts. The lecture progressed to talk about talked about the nutritional value of foods, cooked, and preserved by a variety of methods. Preservatives and colour additives were also discussed in this age of Convenient fast foods. Left with a feeling of what are the people of the western world doing to ourselves and why is it so difficult to get young people to realise just how harmful their quest for convenience foods really is The importance of Hydation was once more emphasised. (see earlier post dated -----below). He insists that all student bring water to the lecture theatre at his presentations Food contamination was an area of particular intereset to the Professors work. He has been studying the amount of arsenic appearing in water from volcanic locations-particularly south America- Herec washing food in water is shown to further increase the arsenic content Lead pollution from fieldfs close to motorways has left a lead risdual in the soil which is still being taken up by plants. Stephen Ludbrook 01993 898693 |