
Wheel Chair Users I have treated a number of wheelchair bound people.
Although a treatment couch is normally used when performing Bowen Therapy, clients can remain seated if it is more convenient or too difficult to get on to a couch. A clients comfort is of paramount importance during a treatment session
The Natural Health and Healing Clinic ( ) in Charlbury is a ground floor establishment and is therefore suited for wheel chair users and people unable to negotiate conventional stairs.
Although a treatment couch is normally used when performing Bowen Therapy, clients can remain seated if it is more convenient or too difficult to get on to a couch. A clients comfort is of paramount importance during a treatment session
The Natural Health and Healing Clinic ( ) in Charlbury is a ground floor establishment and is therefore suited for wheel chair users and people unable to negotiate conventional stairs.

Senor Clients - Ideal Therapy
Being so gentle and able to be performed through light clothing, BowenTherapy is ideally suited for older clients who do not want to experience more manipultive techniques
Being so gentle and able to be performed through light clothing, BowenTherapy is ideally suited for older clients who do not want to experience more manipultive techniques