What is Bowen Therapy
No 9) Body Rebalancing
The body appears is able to undertake a self diagnostic check in relation to tension throughout the body. The Bowen therapy, with its generated nerve instructions via the gentle rolling moves made over muscles and tendons, appears to be able to instigate this procedure. This then allows the body to re-adjust as it deems necessary during the week following the treatment.
Clients are informed that this procedure can lead to them experiencing a small amount of discomfort for 24 hours after a treatment session, caused by muscles who were not particularly stressed becoming more stressed.
Fascia is the material that binds the body together -( a crude analogy would be the rigging on a sailing ship) - it is the adjustment in the tension of these collagen fibres that make up the interlocking sheets of fascia that appears to instigate the bodys rebalancing.
Clients are informed that this procedure can lead to them experiencing a small amount of discomfort for 24 hours after a treatment session, caused by muscles who were not particularly stressed becoming more stressed.
Fascia is the material that binds the body together -( a crude analogy would be the rigging on a sailing ship) - it is the adjustment in the tension of these collagen fibres that make up the interlocking sheets of fascia that appears to instigate the bodys rebalancing.