Frequently Asked Questions
Qu 1:- What is the hardest thing to appreciate about Bowen?
How such a gentle, minimal technique can have such a profound beneficial effect.
People are naturally sceptical - if you take the time to view my Personal Testimonials you will find a common theme. Not only in praise of Bowen, but just how sceptical people were prior to the treatment. Their doubts were laid to rest by the improvements they experienced. In short, it really has to be experienced to be believed.
The body does not need a lot of manipulation to induce change - In fact a small amount of gentle stimuli appears to have a more profound affect. The gentle rolling Bowen moves (made with the tips of fingers and thumbs) over muscles and tendons are sufficient. In fact applying too many moves or too much pressure in any one session can be counter productive. There is a saying in Bowen " Less is more". I use this ethos in the treatment I apply at all times.
People are naturally sceptical - if you take the time to view my Personal Testimonials you will find a common theme. Not only in praise of Bowen, but just how sceptical people were prior to the treatment. Their doubts were laid to rest by the improvements they experienced. In short, it really has to be experienced to be believed.
The body does not need a lot of manipulation to induce change - In fact a small amount of gentle stimuli appears to have a more profound affect. The gentle rolling Bowen moves (made with the tips of fingers and thumbs) over muscles and tendons are sufficient. In fact applying too many moves or too much pressure in any one session can be counter productive. There is a saying in Bowen " Less is more". I use this ethos in the treatment I apply at all times.