What is Bowen Therapy
4) Stress Reducing
The vast majority of Clients report that a Bowen treatment session is extremely relaxing.
The technique is best applied in comfortable warm, quiet surroundings where the client feels safe and undisturbed.
Comfort - Treatment normally takes place on a comfortable padded couch. (Although treatment can be performed sitting or from a wheelchair). The Client's comfort during a treatment session is of paramount importance.
Warmth - If preferred, clients can remain fully clothed (wearing light fitting clothing). In any event, they are draped in towelling to keep them warm and and provide a feeling of extra security.
Quietness - A quiet environment is best - although i find that non-specific background noise is ignored. no music is played. nor is there normally any dialogue between the therapist and the client whilst the moves are applied.
Feeling of Safety - A safe environment allows the client to relax more naturally (its not uncommon for clients to drift towards sleep)
Disturbance - Clients are not disturbed during the session. Following the initial consultation no further discussion normally takes place between the client and therapist. In fact the therapist will normally leave the room between each series of light gentle moves, allowing the body to evaluate the messages it recives from the gentle moves. Mobile Phones are requested to be switched off
There are specific Bowen Procedures aimed to address both Stress, Anxiety and Depression.
The technique is best applied in comfortable warm, quiet surroundings where the client feels safe and undisturbed.
Comfort - Treatment normally takes place on a comfortable padded couch. (Although treatment can be performed sitting or from a wheelchair). The Client's comfort during a treatment session is of paramount importance.
Warmth - If preferred, clients can remain fully clothed (wearing light fitting clothing). In any event, they are draped in towelling to keep them warm and and provide a feeling of extra security.
Quietness - A quiet environment is best - although i find that non-specific background noise is ignored. no music is played. nor is there normally any dialogue between the therapist and the client whilst the moves are applied.
Feeling of Safety - A safe environment allows the client to relax more naturally (its not uncommon for clients to drift towards sleep)
Disturbance - Clients are not disturbed during the session. Following the initial consultation no further discussion normally takes place between the client and therapist. In fact the therapist will normally leave the room between each series of light gentle moves, allowing the body to evaluate the messages it recives from the gentle moves. Mobile Phones are requested to be switched off
There are specific Bowen Procedures aimed to address both Stress, Anxiety and Depression.