What is Bowen Therapy
1) A Holistic Therapy
Holistic means it addresses the whole body, not just the area of immediate pain. In response to Bowen, the body responds by appearing to 'rebalance' itself by changing the tension of the bodies connective tissue (fascia)
Although I include treatment to the area of concern, it is the client's brain that is the key to the success of the treatment. (Often clients report that following treatment, there is an improvement in an aspect of their health that they did not even mention prior to the treatment. )
The Bodies own Healing Ability
It is as though Bowen Therapy could be considered as 'a switch', which allows the bodies own healing process to recommence. The body has an incredible ability to heal. We all know this from our personnel experiences - just imagine your body if all the accidents (of all types and sizes) had not healed. It's as though your body is born with a blue print and knows exactly the form it should take and revert to if injured. Put simply, Bowen Therapy seems to be able to encourage this self healing process.
Bowenwork Tailored to the Individuals Situation
The amount of Bowenwork that is applied during a treatment session is dependant not just on the condition they report but the Clients overall wellness. i.e. 2 people reporting lower back pain will not necessarily have the same amount of moves applied. This is why before treatment, a comprehensive consultation takes place in order for the appropriate Bowen procedures to be selected for that individual. The therapist always endeavours to match the amount of Bowenwork applied in a given session, to the clients overall physical and mental wellness
Although I include treatment to the area of concern, it is the client's brain that is the key to the success of the treatment. (Often clients report that following treatment, there is an improvement in an aspect of their health that they did not even mention prior to the treatment. )
The Bodies own Healing Ability
It is as though Bowen Therapy could be considered as 'a switch', which allows the bodies own healing process to recommence. The body has an incredible ability to heal. We all know this from our personnel experiences - just imagine your body if all the accidents (of all types and sizes) had not healed. It's as though your body is born with a blue print and knows exactly the form it should take and revert to if injured. Put simply, Bowen Therapy seems to be able to encourage this self healing process.
Bowenwork Tailored to the Individuals Situation
The amount of Bowenwork that is applied during a treatment session is dependant not just on the condition they report but the Clients overall wellness. i.e. 2 people reporting lower back pain will not necessarily have the same amount of moves applied. This is why before treatment, a comprehensive consultation takes place in order for the appropriate Bowen procedures to be selected for that individual. The therapist always endeavours to match the amount of Bowenwork applied in a given session, to the clients overall physical and mental wellness