Reasons to try Bowen
10) Cost Effective
Bowen is often described as a cost effective form of treatment, for 2 reasons. Firstly, only a few treatment sessions are normally required to induce a significant improvement and secondly when an improvement is achieved it tends to stay.- (unless the client re-injures themselves)
The concept of long courses of treatment searching for a solution rarely occurs. I always suggest clients try 3 treatment sessions, since I would expect an improvement to occur within this time. In the event that no benefit accrued we would review that situation and possibly discontinue the treatment sessions, admitting that the person may be one of the small percentage of people that Bowen treatment does not appear to benefit.
The concept of long courses of treatment searching for a solution rarely occurs. I always suggest clients try 3 treatment sessions, since I would expect an improvement to occur within this time. In the event that no benefit accrued we would review that situation and possibly discontinue the treatment sessions, admitting that the person may be one of the small percentage of people that Bowen treatment does not appear to benefit.